** The Real Santa Claus

RSN Productions,

Torrey DeVitto, Callard Harris, Roma Maffia, Matt Felker

Kate (Torrey DeVitto) is a psychiatrist who works in a mental hospital who attends to a man, Nick (Callard Harris) who hits his head on a rock and wakes up thinking he’s Santa Claus. Because she feels she’s responsible for his injury, she takes him in to care for him and bring him back to reality, but he convinces those in the hospital, especially the children, that is really Santa Claus. As Nick brings back Christmas spirit to the halls of the hospital, Kate finds she is really falling for this guy.

This Lifetime Christmas film is a good, “Santa hits his head and everyone thinks he’s crazy” theme. Sometimes Santa forgets who he is, and sometimes, everyone think he’s just a guy, but he knows inside he really is Santa and can’t convince everybody else. Anyway, this is a cute film. There is one clever character that really stands out and makes this film really funny. Kenneth Choi is Jack, who think he’s Jack Nicholson (from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest) and he spices up the film with his Nicholson impression throughout. This was a charming tale with a very cool thin Santa (he’s only been Santa for a few years and hasn’t grown into the part just yet). It has a lot of humor, and a lot of heart, and is a nice Christmas movie. It’s one that is a bit tough to find, because it’s from last year, but somehow I missed it, but is well done. The acting is good, the story is good, and it’s well worth searching for this one!

[This is the Lifetime page for this movie.]

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